Installation shall comply with one of the 3 details on Page 31 and installing parties must accept responsibility for and understand all cautions on page 30 regarding moisture and attachment of Ecowarm to concrete. They should also refer to the complete installation manual for further instructions on the installation of EcoWarm system. Do not install Ecowarm without an accurate room-by-room heat loss analysis for the structure to be heated as well as a design/layout for Ecowarm that takes into account the resistance and heat transfer of the actual floor coverings. If Ecowarm cannot provide all the necessary heat, make provisions for additional backup heat.
- Thoroughly clean and level all surfaces where Ecowarm will be applied.
- Prevent moisture penetration through slab either by sealing concrete with a vapor membrane such as Hydroment Ultraseal per manufacturer’s guidelines or with a continuous unperforated under slab vapor barrier or above slab vapor barrier as shown on page 31.
- Follow one of the details on page 3, chalking lines on floor as reference points and lay out boards according to plan.
- If gluing EcoWarm to concrete sealed with a membrane, be sure to use adequate adhesive compatible with vapor membrane to glue down EcoWarm to the membrane.
- When attaching EcoWarm to plywood, lay out boards according to plan and glue and screw or glue and cross staple EcoWarm to plywood. Be sure to use adequate adhesive.
- Start layout of all pieces by securing a corner, to allow for proper alignment.
- Use 6” lengths of tubing in the grooves lapping 3” into each board to help align the grooves of the boards.
- Once all boards are installed, clean out all grooves with a vacuum prior to tubing installation.
- Snap tubing into groove and route to manifold per plan.
- Install backerboard when applying tile or vinyl floor goods.
- Maintain 2” minimum tubing clearance from carpet tack strips or other nailing.
- Refer to previous drawings for additional details and requirement of flooring goods installed over Ecowarm.

Ecowarm RadiantBoard is a product of WBI. Warm Brothers Incorporated (WBI) was founded in the year 2000 with the granting of patent 22323 for radiant panels systems.
The company has been offering several radiant panel designs under different patents manufactured in both the Eastern and Western United States under several brand names providing the broadest offering of radiant panel solutions in the industry.