Get to know the owners in this informative video!
Get to know the owners of Ecowarm, with 70 years combined experience in radiant heating, as they go deep with Anthony Carrino about his own home project.
This video is a bit long but a great resource if you are serious about installing Ecowarm RadiantBoard.
- The Ecowarm RadiantBoard design: Why?
- Project planning tips: Zoning, manifold location ad Project Questionnaire
- Layout methods: Paint by Numbers CAD shop drawings and installation flexibility
- RadiantBoard installation: Fast according to Anthony
- Flooring goods over Ecowarm RadiantBoard radiant floor system: Hardwood, tile and more.

Ecowarm RadiantBoard is a product of WBI. Warm Brothers Incorporated (WBI) was founded in the year 2000 with the granting of patent 22323 for radiant panels systems.
The company has been offering several radiant panel designs under different patents manufactured in both the Eastern and Western United States under several brand names providing the broadest offering of radiant panel solutions in the industry.